Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy and Policies for Top
Kitchen Works

At Top Kitchen Work, we prioritize the protection and confidentiality of your information. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard the data you provide to us. Please review this policy periodically to stay informed about any updates.

What WE Cover

We provide a one-year warranty for fittings or workmanship issues, including joint-related concerns. Additionally, depending on the product collection chosen by the client:

Type of Information Collected

We collect limited contact details, including full name, organization, address, email, telephone number, product details, and fabricator information.

How We Use Your Information

Your information is used for specific purposes, including:

Legal Basis for Processing Your Information

By contacting us via our website or opting into our mailing lists, you consent to us using your information for the stated purposes. You can withdraw this consent at any time.

Website Usage and Cookies

We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience, track website activity, and gather aggregated data for improving functionality. These cookies are anonymized, and you can manage cookie settings via your web browser.

Security Measures

Your data is stored securely on servers, and our team is trained to handle it sensitively. While we implement robust security measures, please note that online data transmission is not entirely foolproof.

Information Access

Your information is accessible to our staff, necessary third-party service providers, and potentially in specific situations as required by law or for operational reasons. We do not share your data without your consent.

Updating Your Information and Retention

We appreciate updates to your contact details and will retain your information for a reasonable period, usually two years, seeking consent updates periodically.

Your Rights and Complaints

You have the following rights regarding your data: